Ramazan Bayram Festival

Ramazan Bayram Festival Days - July 17, 18, 19 2015 - religious holiday

Ramadan Feast Candy
Ramadan Feast Candy

Ramazan Bayram Festival

Ramazan Bayram Festival, also known as Eid al-Fitr or the Sugar Feast, is one of the most important religious holidays observed by Muslims worldwide. It marks the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting and reflection. The holiday is a time of celebration, prayer, family gatherings, and acts of charity.


Ramazan Bayramı is celebrated on the first day of Shawwal, the month that follows Ramadan in the Islamic lunar calendar. The exact date varies each year as it depends on the sighting of the moon, but it typically lasts for three days in Turkey.


In the days leading up to Ramazan Bayramı, families and individuals prepare for the celebration by cleaning their homes, buying new clothes, and shopping for special foods and sweets.

Fasting on the Last Day of Ramadan

On the last day of Ramadan, Muslims perform a special prayer known as Salat al-Taraweeh at the mosque, and they fast from dawn (Suhoor) until sunset (Iftar), as they have throughout the entire month. This day is known as Şeker Bayramı Arifesi, which translates to “Sugar Feast Eve.”

Prayer and Worship

On the morning of Ramazan Bayramı, Muslims attend a special communal prayer at the mosque or in open prayer grounds. This prayer is called Salat al-Eid and is followed by a sermon. It is a time for Muslims to seek forgiveness, give thanks, and celebrate their spiritual achievements during Ramadan.

Visiting Graves

After the morning prayer, it is customary for many Turkish families to visit the graves of their deceased loved ones, offering prayers and paying their respects. This practice is called “Bayram Ziyareti” (holiday visit).

Family Gatherings

Ramazan Bayramı is a time for family reunions. Families come together to celebrate, exchange gifts, and enjoy festive meals. Younger members of the family often kiss the hands of their elders as a sign of respect, and elders may give small gifts or money to children.

Traditional Sweets

Sweets are a significant part of the celebration. Traditional Turkish sweets such as baklava, lokum (Turkish delight), and güllaç (a dessert made with thin pastry sheets, milk, and rosewater) are commonly served to guests and shared among family members.


Giving to those in need is a fundamental aspect of Ramazan Bayramı. Muslims are encouraged to offer zakat al-fitr, a form of charity, to help those less fortunate. This is typically done before the morning prayer on the first day of the holiday.

New Clothes

Wearing new clothes is a tradition during Ramazan Bayramı. Many people purchase new outfits for themselves and their children to wear during the holiday.

Festive Atmosphere

The streets and neighborhoods are adorned with decorative lights, and communities often organize public events and entertainment, creating a festive atmosphere throughout the country.

Ramazan Bayramı is a time of joy, reflection, and generosity for Muslims in Turkey. It is an occasion for expressing gratitude for the blessings of Ramadan and strengthening bonds within families and communities. The holiday emphasizes the importance of compassion and charity towards others, especially those in need.