Marmaris Shopping Hints
Helpful Hints : When making purchases keep all receipts.
It is no longer a secret that agencies and guides receive commissions for any of your purchases
at shops you visit on a city tour or accompanied by your guide. Try to do your shopping alone
for better deals and prices, compare different offers before your purchase as there are too many
options for your shopping still in Marmaris.
Helpful Hints : There are very good counterfeits of popular brands like Rolex, Gucci, Pierre Cardin, Tisssot.
However, there are no genuine Rolexes sold in Marmaris as well as other popular Turkey resorts. The story of Michael Perree will help you to avoid disappointment after your purchase.
Buying Jewellery in Marmaris – As with any ‘big’ purchase you make in life, do some research & shop around first – one customer shares an unlucky experience here. Marmarisinfo do not know the business involved in this specific case, but remember – for every bad experience many other people also have some very good ones.