
Modern Marmaris

Marmaris  Cosmopolitan charms of Marmaris, that used to be a fishing village less than 20 years ago, will surprise anyone with a choice of accommodation and entertainment. Marmaris is a Turkish Rivera. Once you set

History of Marmaris

History of Marmaris. It is not known when Marmaris was founded, but Physkos as Marmaris was previously known, was part of the Carian Empire in the 6th century B.C. when overrun by the Lydians.

Geography of Marmaris

Geography of Marmaris The town of Marmaris is located at the meeting place of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas, on the world’s largest natural harbour, surrounded by pine-clad hills. Situated in southwest Turkey, in the
Frequently Asked Questions

Weather & Temperatures

I would like to know the average day time temperature in Marmaris for March, April and May. I would also like to know the sea temperature during these months.    The pages you are looking for

Emergency and Useful Contact Information

Emergency and Useful Contact Information  Private and State hospitals, doctors surgeries and clinics are available all over Marmaris and Fethiye. Marmaris has three hospitals and English speaking doctors, dentists, opticians. Doctors charge for visits but

Health & Safety

Health & Safety in Marmaris  There are 2 private and a state hospitals and many private clinics in Marmaris.  Medical facilities are up-to-date and equipped to cope with the majority of medical problems. There are