Phone, GSM & Internet System in Marmaris

Phone, GSM & Internet System in Marmaris

Phone, GSM & Internet System in Marmaris  Public telephones are located throughout the resort. Pay phones are available operated with telephone cards, recognized by the green color and Turk Telecom sign on them. The telephone
Time System in Marmaris

Time System in Marmaris

Time System in Marmaris  Turkish standard time between October and March is 2 hours ahead Greenwich Mean Time, 1 hour ahead of Central European Time, and 7 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time. Between April
Turkish Lira is the Local Currency in Marmaris

Turkish Lira

Turkish Lira is the Local Currency in Marmaris Turkish Lira Brochure Turkish Lira Information Guide Turkish Lira Poster Note: You may exchange traveller’s checks at Post Offices in touristic places and at certain banks.  Introduction
Sun Protection in Marmaris

Sun Protection in Marmaris

Sun Protection in Marmaris  The temperatures rise to a high of 45o C in August so high factor suntan lotion is essential. Build up your tan slowly. All at once will make you ill. Keeping
Heath & Safety in Marmaris

Health & Safety

Health & Safety in Marmaris  There are 2 private and a state hospitals and many private clinics in Marmaris.  Medical facilities are up-to-date and equipped to cope with the majority of medical problems. There are