Atatürk Reforms

Atatürk Reforms

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk  Atatürk Reforms  The great leader Atatürk undertook many reforms in a short time with the aim of modernizing Turkey. We can summarize them as  follow:  01. Foundation of. the Republic 02. Closure of the theological schools ( medrese ) 03. Abolishment of religious courts. 04. The application of secularism 05. The unification of education. 06. The modification of school curriculum according to contemporary and national needs. 07. Acceptance of the new Constitution. 08. Introduction of the international calendarial and horary system. 09. The prohibition of religious orders ( closure of dervish lodges ) 10. Acceptance of the Civil Code 11. Introduction of the latin alphabet 12. Civil rights accorded to Turkish women 13. Association of Studies in Turksih History 14. Association of Studies in Turksih Language 15. Introduction of the surname 16. The establishment of standards of dress; introduction of the hat